Hey Newgrounds!
Excited to announce the release of "The Blubburbs", an animated show created by Erik Sandoval, Michael Rousselet (both from 5 Second Films) and myself (ToonHole)! It's executive produced by Dave, Rob, and Kris from Cyanide and Happiness and out on go90!
Lots of talented folks worked on it and we're proud of it. If you're interested to see it, here's a link: https://www.go90.com/shows/4J1gvaDdUe5
Would love to know what you think!
Your pal,
Can't 0pen link
"go90™ Mobile TV Network is only available in the US right now."
If you're outside the US you can view it here: https://view.yahoo.com/show/the-blubburbs-go90/episodes