Wow, nice material so far, guess it's not a kiddie show, looking to get picked up by commercial distributor (Netflix, ISP, Amazon)? Quite professional animations there bud, VA's sound great too, sure hope this leads to big bucks!
Asskisser/Asskick er
Joined on 3/18/00
Wow, nice material so far, guess it's not a kiddie show, looking to get picked up by commercial distributor (Netflix, ISP, Amazon)? Quite professional animations there bud, VA's sound great too, sure hope this leads to big bucks!
go90 is an up and coming streaming service provided by Verizon. They just put out the new Kobe Bryant animated short too, so they got the two best animated internet cartoons right now.
I can't see it, just like Pecheneg.
If you're outside the US, you can see them here:
I love your comics and your animations, but I did not know you guys were behind The Blubburbs, which pains me to say is your weakest work, mostly cause no one of the many characters get any focus or are introduced or expanded upon in any meaningful way.
I think GO90's dead
You think there'll ever be a way to watch it that doesn't involve raising the spirits of go90 from the grave of Verison International and beating them to death with the rake of unequivocal conniving?
Can't 0pen link
"go90™ Mobile TV Network is only available in the US right now."
If you're outside the US you can view it here: